Skipping your way to success on court
Originally published on: 26/02/10 16:35
Top tennis players need to be light on their feet and skipping is one of the best exercises to achieve this.
An elite player can skip 1,000 times in five minutes, which shows how light their feet are and how developed their endurance systems are.
To try and achieve this target, break the process down into intervals.
Step 1
10 seconds on, 10 seconds off x 10 repetitions
(aim for between 30-40 skips)
Step 2
20 seconds on, 20 seconds off x 10 repetitions
(aim for between 70-80 skips)
Step 3
30 seconds on, 30 seconds off x 10 repetitions
(aim for 100 skips)
Step 4
1 minute on, 1 minute off x 10 repetitions
(aim for 200 skips)
Perform these exercises in a running skip pattern (left toe, right toe, left toe, right toe) and every three months test yourself over five minutes.
This is very, very tough, so start slowly and build up progressively. Make sure you stretch well, especially your calves, and don’t forget massage to help regenerate your aching muscles.