Nick Kyrgios scorns ATP

“Seriously, f**k me, how about you have a collaborative effort with us, potato” Nick Kyrgios pours scorn on ATP Tour Chairman

Nick Kyrgios has voiced his disappointment in the most public way over the perceived lack of communication between tennis organisers and players


Never one to hold back if he feels passionately about a subject, Nick Kyrgios has called Andrea Gaudenzi, the boss of the ATP Tour, a ‘potato’ during a social media rant after the Italian top administrator posted a message following the announcement of the resurrection of the ATP Tour for 2020.

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Andrea Gaudenzi was quoted by the ATP Tour website as saying, “ā€œIt has been a truly collaborative effort and we hope to add more events to the calendar as the situation evolves. I would like to recognise our tournamentsā€™ efforts to operate during these challenging times, as well as our players who will be competing under different conditions. At every turn, ensuring that the resumption of the Tour takes place in a safe environment will be paramount.ā€

Nick Kyrgios was then quick to post on his own Twitter account, “Cheers mate, youā€™ve really looked after the players during this time. Seriously fk me, how about you have a collaborative effort with us, potato”

Kyrgios has had a number of run ins with tennis authorities including bans for abusing umpires and other transgressions.

Tim Farthing, Tennishead Editorial Director & Owner, has been a huge tennis fan his whole life. He's a tennis journalist and entrepreneur as well as playing tennis to a national standard. He also helps manage his local club and volunteers for his local tennis organisation. He's a specialist in content about the administration of professional tennis and tennis coaching for all levels.